我们先来看看最权威IMDG CODE 关于危险品标牌尺寸的规定:
Exceptas provided in for the class 7 placard, and in for themarine pollutant mark, a placard shall be configured as shown in the figurebelow.
The placard shall be in the form of a squareset at an angle of 45° (diamond-shaped). The minimum dimensions shall be 250 mm × 250 mm (to theedge of the placard). The line inside the edge shall be parallel and12.5 mm from the outside of that line to the edge of the placard. The symboland line inside the edge shall correspond in colour to the label for the classor division of the dangerous goods in question. The class or divisionsymbol/numeral shall be positioned and sized in proportion to those prescribedin for the corresponding class or division of the dangerous goods inquestion. The placard shall display the number of the class or division (andfor goods in class 1, the compatibility group letter) of the dangerous goods inquestion in the manner prescribed in for the corresponding label, indigits not less than 25 mm high. Where dimensions are not specified, allfeatures shall be in approximate proportion to those shown.
Placards shall be affixed to the exterior surface of cargo transport units to provide a warning that thecontents of the unit are dangerous goods and present risks. Placards shallcorrespond to the primary risk of the goods contained in the cargo transportunit except that:
placards are notrequired on cargo transport units carrying any quantity of explosives ofdivision 1.4, compatibility group S; and
placards indicatingthe highest risk only need be affixed on cargo transport units carryingsubstances and articles of more than one division in class 1.
Placards shall bedisplayed on a background of contrasting colour, or shall have either a dottedor solid outer boundary line.
For dangerous goods of class 9 the placard shall correspond to the labelmodel No. 9 as in ; label model No. 9A shall not be used forplacarding purposes.
那么,问题来了,这个外边框应在什么位置呢?外边框的位置应在标牌内外边缘之间,具体什么位置IMDG CODE并没有详细规定。